Pauline Roussel

Pauline Roussel

A book full of stories about coworking spaces from around the globe.
CIT, Coworking Taipei, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Digital 52 🔟 - Changing mindsets at work via coworking, the story of Center for Innovation Taipei [CIT].

Today’s story will take you on a short trip to Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan to discover a coworking space focused on positive impact and community: CIT.
8 min read
360 Creative Hub, Coworking Lagos, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Digital 52 9️⃣ - Co-sewing & educational space supporting Nigerian designers in their journey to success: the story of 360 Creative Hub.

Today’s story will take you on a journey around fashion and providing a physical space adapted to fashion professionals and designers. Ready to discover a co-sewing space from Nigeria?
9 min read
Millepiani Coworking, Coworking Rome, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Digital 52 8️⃣ - Free Coworking supported by the municipality, Multi-Purpose Space, Local Impact, Circular Economy: the fascinating story of Millepiani Coworking.

There is a saying we always share with people we meet when we talk about coworking spaces and it goes like this: “Coworking is the same dish everyone cooks differently.” And the story you are about to read is the perfect illustration of it. Ready to make your way to Rome?
10 min read
Impact Hub Berlin, Coworking Berlin, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Digital 52 7️⃣ - Growing your coworking space for a more positive impact. A story around a circular economy, diversity, and inclusion with Impact Hub Berlin.

There is one thing coworking magically does: it brings people who share the same interest on a particular topic all under one roof. ‌Imagine then what wonders happen when impact-driven entrepreneurs come together to build a better future for us all.
13 min read
Deskopolitan, Premium Coworking, Coworking Paris, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Digital 52 6️⃣ - Developing premium coworking spaces in residential neighborhoods across Paris: The story of Deskopolitan.

Today’s coworking highlight will take you to France’s capital city, Paris. What’s there? A premium coworking brand, the artisans of coworking in Paris, who took on a mission to develop premium coworking spaces in residential neighborhoods.
12 min read
Centralica Cowork, Coworking Mexico, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Digital 52 5️⃣ - Digital Nomads, Remote Workers, Locals: How do you bring everyone together and create a stronger local impact? This is the story of Centralita Cowork 🇲🇽.

For coworking spaces located in cities steeped in tourism, finding the right balance when building a community is not easy. Length of stay, language and many more parameters make it a bigger, but not impossible, challenge to solve. In this article, you’ll learn how Centralita Cowork, does it.
12 min read
Nest City Lab Barcelona, Coworking Barcelona, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Digital 52 4️⃣ - Paving the way for sustainability in coworking, the story of Nest City Lab.

This story is about sustainability and coworking. You won't learn how to recycle better, or how to change lightbulbs. Instead, you'll learn how to make sustainability an integrative part of your space's mission, vision, and philosophy. Meet Nest City Lab.
11 min read
Coworking Minneapolis, The Coven, Coworking Book, Coworkies

Digital 52 3️⃣ - Pioneering positive impact and inclusion in coworking: Meet The Coven.

A coworking brand from Minneapolis built one of the most forward-thinking brands there is when it comes to accessibility and inclusion in coworking. Here is how.
13 min read
Coworking Newzealand, Rewired by XERO, Coworking Book, Coworkies

Digital 52 2️⃣ - In New Zealand, a company started a coworking space. Learn how and why they did it.

Discover how one of the most well-known accounting software companies for small businesses worldwide, ended up creating a coworking space where they started!
6 min read
Coworking Book, Coworking Norway, Coworkies, 1724 Coworking

Digital 52 1️⃣ - Life post-pandemic at 1724.

Travel to the remote mountains of Norway and discover how a rural coworking space contributes positively to its local community.
6 min read