18 min read

Digital 52 1️⃣1️⃣ - Handing over your coworking space, reflecting on the journey, remaining as a member, getting comfortable in your new “role” - the story of House of Bandits.

What does Drake, Magic: The Gathering and coworking have in common? Read the story of House of Bandits, a coworking space from Vienna to find out!
House of Bandits, Coworking Vienna, Coworkies, Coworking Book

What does Drake, Magic: The Gathering and coworking have in common? Read the story of House of Bandits, a coworking space from Vienna to find out!

Their Tags in the book
[Business Models - Integrating Culture ]

Read the story of House of Bandits on page 244 of “Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces.”

“Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces” was supposed to be published during the year 2020. But, when COVID hit the world, we figured that releasing a book about coworking might not be the best idea, as it shook the industry to its core. . We postponed its release to 2021 directing our focus instead on understanding how spaces were navigating and adapting to the pandemic in good and bad ways. When we published the book in September 2021, the 250 spaces featured were still open and running. But, since then, things have changed for a few of them and the story you are about to read is one of those. How do you know when it’s time to let go of something you spent so much time building? Do you just close it or do you look for someone to take it over? How do you find that person? Keep reading to find out.

But before we dive into the story of House of Bandits, there is one thing we must share: closing a coworking space or handing it over to someone else is never easy and for many founders, it looks like a failure. But it’s not. It’s part of the journey. While some doors will close, new ones will also open thanks to all the work and impact you have developed over the years. We’ve launched a mini-podcast series called “Life After Coworking” where we interviewed 3 former coworking founders to understand their thought process. If that’s a topic of interest to you, have a listen to those short episodes here.

➡️ A little refresher

Who’s behind the featured space?

Meet Stefan Yazzie Herbert and his business partner Dominik Hell-Weltzl.

“We met many years ago through mutual friends and honestly didn't get along at all. In many ways, we are complete opposites, but instead of leading to conflict, it helped us to see both perspectives of any problem. This is currently our third company together, and we have established deep trust between each other, which is an absolute necessity for a constructive business relationship.”

➡️ Key Figures

  • Opening year: 2016
  • The year they handed over the space: 2021

That’s 5 years of positive impact, that keeps on existing in different ways these days.

➡️ A little tour around House of Bandits

➡️ Behind-the-scenes

Things you didn't read in aw250cs

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