Coworking Case Studies

Let's learn together via in-depth coworking case studies, about the different aspects of fostering a community at work and running a coworking business. In this series of articles we are featuring spaces from around the globe that drive forward the whole industry by their innovative thinking and professional handling of the day to day activities. From community building to marketing, sales and sustainable growth to operations and negotiations of new and inspiring leases.
Operations in Coworking Spaces  Coworkies Readers’ Club Online Event Key Takeaways + Access To Video Replays

Operations in Coworking Spaces Coworkies Readers’ Club Online Event Key Takeaways + Access To Video Replays

This article provides a condensed summary of the June online event hosted by the Coworkies Readers’ Club on Operations in Coworking Spaces
7 min read
How Can New Technologies Help Foster a Stronger Sense of Community in Coworking Spaces?

How Can New Technologies Help Foster a Stronger Sense of Community in Coworking Spaces?

Are you ready to unwrap the last article of our series on new technologies and their potential application in coworking spaces?
14 min read
Coworking and Cryptocurrencies

Coworking and Cryptocurrencies

17 min read
Coworking in the Metaverse

Coworking in the Metaverse

14 min read
Marketing for Coworking Spaces - Coworkies Readers’ Club Online Event Key Takeaways + Access To Video Replays

Marketing for Coworking Spaces - Coworkies Readers’ Club Online Event Key Takeaways + Access To Video Replays

This article is a condensed summary of the April online event hosted by Coworkies Readers’ Club on Marketing for Coworking Spaces.
10 min read
What Can AI Bring To Coworking?

What Can AI Bring To Coworking?

13 min read
How To Show Your Coworking Community That You Care? | Jon Hormaetxe Castells | Sun and Co. Coliving

How To Show Your Coworking Community That You Care? | Jon Hormaetxe Castells | Sun and Co. Coliving

16 min read
How To Build A Niche Coworking Community?  The Experience of MotionLab Berlin.

How To Build A Niche Coworking Community? The Experience of MotionLab Berlin.

This article is the second part of Coworkies’ Readers Club mini-series on the meaning of community for coworking spaces. It explores what running a “niche” coworking community entails and is based on the experience of a makerspace targeted at hardware startups.
15 min read
How Can a Coworking Space Foster A Sense of Community and Normalcy in Wartime Ukraine? Lessons from Creative States

How Can a Coworking Space Foster A Sense of Community and Normalcy in Wartime Ukraine? Lessons from Creative States

Discover our latest mini-series of coworking case studies, let's explore the meaning of community in coworking spaces.
14 min read
Sales in Coworking Spaces - Coworkies Readers’ Club Online Event Key Takeaways + Access To Video Replays

Sales in Coworking Spaces - Coworkies Readers’ Club Online Event Key Takeaways + Access To Video Replays

This article is a condensed summary of the February online event hosted by Coworkies Readers’ Club on Sales in Coworking Spaces.
7 min read