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Digital 52 1️⃣2️⃣ - 17 years of Coworking, Regenerating, and Weaving: The Story of Republikken.

This coworking space has existed for 17 years. That’s almost 2 decades of coworking! How did it all happen and what can we learn from their experience? That’s what today’s story is all about.
Republikken, Coworking Copenhagen, Coworkies, Coworking Book

This coworking space has existed for 17 years. That’s almost 2 decades of coworking! How did it all happen and what can we learn from their experience? That’s what today’s story is all about.

Their Tags in the book
Facilitating Collaboration - Learning by Doing - Peer-to-Peer Learning

Read the story of Republikken on page 208 of “Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces”.

When we ran some numbers about spaces featured in “Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces”, we discovered that the average year of spaces opening within the book was 2015. As with every average, that means some spaces are older and some are younger. But how long has the “oldest” coworking space featured in the book been around?

Well, the answer is here: 17 years. 17 years of coworking, which, if we compare it to a human, would make it a teenager. 17 years have been filled with economic changes, technological advancements, and, more recently, a global pandemic. So how has Republikken adapted, grown, and regenerated through the years? Let’s make our way to Copenhagen to find out.

➡️ A little refresher

Who’s behind the featured space?

Emil Steglich-Petersen, Bo Pedersen, Kasper Lynge Jensen, and Søren Femmer Jensen founded Republikken in 2005.

Emil Steglich-Petersen and Bo Pedersen met at the University while studying History. They had the idea and talked it over at a Friday bar. Emil had an old friend, Kasper Lynge Jensen, who was working on different art and event projects. He also needed a place to work from. They invited Kasper to join in on the idea, and he brought his brother Søren Femmer Jensen. The 4 of them founded Republikken.

➡️ Key Figures

  • Opening year: 2005
  • Size when they started: 3,500 sqm (35,000 sqft)

➡️ A little tour around Republikken

➡️ Behind-the-scenes

Things you didn't read in aw250cs

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