11 min read

Digital 52 1️⃣5️⃣ - 24/7 Coworking, Automating the entire operational strategy and growing: the story of La Permanence.

Discover the story of La Permanence, a coworking space that began as a resource for students and has now expanded into a series of innovative, automated workspaces throughout Paris.
La Permanence, Coworking Paris, Coworkies, Coworking Book

Discover the story of La Permanence, a coworking space that began as a resource for students and has now expanded into a series of innovative, automated workspaces throughout Paris.

Their Tags in the book
Business Models - Innovation - Utilizing Technology

You can read the full story of La Permanence on page 165 of "Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces".

Operating a coworking space is a complex undertaking. While it may appear to be simply providing 'tables and desks', in reality, it requires a range of processes, tools, and technology to run smoothly and enable community managers to focus on their primary role: fostering human connections. In our travels, we came across a coworking brand that particularly impressed us with its seamless automation of the entire user experience. While it was initially targeted at students, it quickly gained popularity among those seeking an affordable, beautifully designed, and easily accessible coworking space. It's now your turn to meet La Permanence and learn about its journey through the years through our latest conversation with co-founder Manesse Clam.

➡️ A little refresher

Who’s behind the featured space?

Meet Manesse Clam and Zouhir Bahij.

“We had known each other for a while before I started the project. Zouhir had already been heavily involved even though he wasn't directly a part of it. When he left his job, it seemed like a natural fit for us to work on the project together.”

➡️ Key Figures

  • Opening year: 2017
  • Size today: 3 spaces across Paris

➡️ A little tour around La Permanence

➡️ Behind-the-scenes

Things you didn't read in aw250cs.

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