How to claim your free AW250CS Members Club Invite

On September 23rd, “Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces” celebrated its one-year anniversary. To mark the occasion, we’ve released AW250CS Members’ Club, the digital home of the book.

The Club will serve two purposes, most requested by our readers.

AW250CS Members Club

The first is to help people deepen their understanding of the coworking world on a global scale with stories that go beyond 500 words. And the second one is for readers to connect to the extended Coworkies community via chat and events, so they can discuss, share and collaborate with each other.

The Club will be hosting the DIGITAL52 publications which people got as a reward on our successful Kickstarter campaign and get as a free perk when they purchase the AW250CS book website.

The Club's content will extend beyond the coworking stories of DIGITAL52. We are getting up to produce numerous analyses, how-to, and other articles that can serve our community to make coworking better.

Discover more about AW250CS Members’ Club by watching the replay of our LinkedIn LIVE below.

Restream the AW250CS book anniversary and Members Club announcement.