How Can New Technologies Help Foster a Stronger Sense of Community in Coworking Spaces?

The final installment in our series on new technologies in coworking spaces has arrived, offering a moment for reflection on our journey so far. This concluding piece brings us to two coworking communities from distinct corners of the world: New York and Porto. Though separated by geography, these communities share a unified approach—utilizing cutting-edge technologies to enhance member engagement and collaboration.

Before we explore these specific spaces, let's revisit the key insights we've gathered throughout this series. We've observed that, despite their initial complexity, new technologies hold significant potential to alleviate operational burdens. This, in turn, allows teams to concentrate on essential aspects such as business development and value creation for their extended community.

This final chapter offers a thoughtful look at how innovative solutions are shaping coworking environments. Take your time to examine this case study and consider how these global examples of technological integration could inspire your approach to bringing members together. 

Upcoming Sections ⬇️
🤖 Technology in Coworking Spaces: What We’ve Learned So Far.
- Coworking Case Study 007: AI in Coworking Spaces
- Coworking Case Study 008: The Metaverse for Coworking Spaces
- Coworking Case Study 009: Cryptocurrencies in Coworking Spaces
🤓 Coworking Case Studies: Using New Technologies to Foster Coworking Communities.
- Glossary of Terms
- DAOs for Coworking Spaces with EmpireDAO 🇺🇸
- Web3 for Coworking Spaces with DeHouse 🇵🇹
✍️ Overall Conclusion On New Technologies and Their Potential Applications for Coworking Spaces.

Technology in Coworking Spaces: What We’ve Learned So Far.

Coworking Case Study 007 - Artificial Intelligence for Coworking Spaces

Our exploration journey began with probably what is 2024’s hottest tech topic: Artificial Intelligence. We ‘sat down’ with Carlos Almanza, Co-Founder and CEO of Nexudus, to explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in coworking spaces looking at it through the lens of coworking software and operations. 

Key Contributions of AI for Coworking Spaces in 2024:

Demand Forecasting: The first AI feature Nexudus introduced was a module for forecasting booking demands. This tool helps operators understand meeting room usage and make informed decisions about space layout and resource allocation.
Dynamic Pricing: AI models enable dynamic pricing based on demand, similar to the hotel industry. This allows operators to adjust prices for meeting rooms and hot desking, optimizing revenue.
Member Engagement: A new module set to launch will help operators understand and engage with their growing communities. AI aids in maintaining personalized connections even as membership scales.

Broader Implications:

Operational Efficiency: AI can automate daily processes, allowing operators to focus more on member interaction and community building.
Sales and Onboarding: Virtual assistants powered by AI can offer personalized onboarding experiences for new members, enhancing the sales process.
Enhanced Member Experience: AI-driven systems can support help desks, provide automatic FAQ responses, and suggest events based on member interests, tailoring the coworking experience.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Carlos noted that while AI presents many opportunities, understanding and applying the technology effectively remains a challenge. He emphasized the importance of adapting AI to achieve desired outcomes in the coworking industry, where community and flexibility are central.

In all the AI projects, we try to find actionable insights, not just presenting data but also giving operators insights on how they can use that data. “ to

 Carlos Almanza, Co-Founder and CEO of Nexudus

Read The Case Study Here

Coworking Case Study 008 - Coworking in The Metaverse

A conversation with Jaime Villalonga Lopez, Head of Marketing at Wayco in Valencia, Spain.

In an insightful conversation with Jaime Villalonga Lopez, Head of Marketing at Wayco, we dug into the exciting intersection of coworking and the metaverse, something, Wayco, the coworking brand he works for, is exploring as a way to enhance coworking experiences and community engagement.

Key Insights on the Metaverse:

Understanding the Metaverse: Jaime explained the metaverse as an evolution beyond the current internet, integrating Web 3.0 technologies like AI, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies. It's characterized by its immersive nature, utilizing virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) to create interconnected virtual environments.
Current State and Future Vision: While the metaverse is still in its early stages, with platforms like ROBLOX, Decentraland, and Fortnite leading the way, the vision is to achieve fully immersive experiences as depicted in "Ready Player One." The metaverse aims to be infinite, reactive, persistent, interconnected, and creative.

Impact of the Metaverse on the coworking industry:

Complementing Physical Spaces: The metaverse can complement physical coworking spaces by offering virtual memberships and creating virtual coworking environments. This enhances the sense of community and allows for global interaction.

Recommendations for coworking operators interested in the metaverse:

Education and Experimentation: Operators interested in the metaverse should start by educating themselves through courses and training to understand new ecosystems and technologies. Experimenting with small projects on existing platforms like Decentraland can provide practical insights.
Focus on Content: Creating engaging and fresh content is crucial for maintaining interest in virtual spaces. Continuous feedback and improvement, akin to A/B testing, will be key to success.
Think Like Digital Natives: Understanding the mindset of younger, digital-native generations is essential for grasping the potential of metaverse technologies and creating relevant and engaging experiences.

While the metaverse is still developing, it holds significant potential for coworking spaces by blending digital and real-world experiences. With virtual memberships, cryptocurrency integration, and innovative virtual environments, the metaverse offers new ways to build and nurture coworking communities. As the technology evolves, coworking operators have exciting opportunities to enhance their offerings and engage with emerging generations.

Brands are starting to understand that the metaverse is a new way of communication. It's becoming a crucial platform for engagement.

Jaime Villalonga Lopez, Head of Marketing at Wayco

Read The Case Study Here

Coworking Case Study 009 - Cryptocurrencies in Coworking Spaces.

A conversation with Katerina Marekova, COO at Paralelni Polis - Prague, Czech Republic.

Our latest coworking case study is a revealing conversation with Katerina Marekova, COO of Paralelni Polis, a pioneering coworking and educational hub, that combines art, technology, and finance to foster a community dedicated to innovation and independence. in Prague. Together, we explored the unique integration of cryptocurrency in coworking spaces.

Key Insights on Paralelni Polis:

Founded by the contemporary art group Ztohoven, Paralelni Polis aims to create an "island of freedom," inspired by Czech dissident Václav Benda’s concept of a parallel polis. This vision encompasses independence from the state and the exploration of new ideas. The four-story building houses Bitcoin Coffee (a cryptocurrency-only café), Paper Hub (a coworking space), and the Institute of Crypto Anarchy (hosting events and educational programs). The basement is a hackerspace with a studio, aiming for self-sufficiency.

Integration of Cryptocurrency at Paralelni Polis:

Bitcoin Coffee: The café introduces people to cryptocurrency, demonstrating the simplicity and practicality of using digital currencies for everyday transactions. It's an educational tool to dispel myths and fears about crypto.
Coworking with Crypto: Paper Hub stands out as a crypto-only coworking space. Invoices are issued in Czech Krona but paid in Bitcoin, making the process accessible and legally compliant.

Challenges around Cryptocurrencies

Adapting to Market Cycles: The fluctuating nature of the crypto market affects their operations and community energy. Despite challenges, they remain open to various technologies and currencies, promoting critical thinking and smart choices.

Paralelni Polis exemplifies how coworking spaces can leverage digital currencies to create unique, educational, and engaging environments.

“Our work for the general public is mostly about introducing people to crypto and explaining that it's not the scam you often read about on the internet.”

Katerina Marekova, COO at Paralelni Polis

Read The Case Study Here

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Coworking Case Studies: Using New Technologies to Foster Coworking Communities.

Now that your memory has been refreshed, it is time for our last tech exploration. As said earlier in this article, you are about to be introduced to two different coworking communities: EmpireDAO from New York, USA, and DeHouse from Porto, Portugal. Each of these communities has used two technologies that are still not broadly understood by the general public: DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and web3

If you find yourself lost already, please keep reading 🙂

To fully understand what awaits, we’ve prepared a short introduction about both of these concepts and why they are interesting for coworking spaces. 

Let’s explore. 

While previous coworking case studies featured one space at a time, this time, you got two to explore and learn from! The recordings of both interviews are available below. But before jumping right into the topics of DAO and web3, there is a summary of what both of those new technologies are and some more, waiting.

Lastly, if you do not have the possibility of watching those videos just now, you'll find two short and condensed summaries of their key points under each of them.

Glossary of Terms To Help You Understand What’s Coming.

What’s Blockchain?

Blockchain is a digital ledger technology that records transactions across multiple computers in a way that ensures the data is secure, transparent, and tamper-proof. Each record, called a "block," contains a list of transactions, and these blocks are linked together in a chronological sequence, forming a "chain." Once a block is added to the chain, the information it contains is verified by a network of computers (nodes) and becomes immutable, meaning it cannot be altered or deleted. This decentralized structure eliminates the need for intermediaries, such as banks, and provides a reliable way to track and verify transactions in various applications, including cryptocurrencies, supply chain management, and smart contracts.

What is Decentralized Finance?

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, refers to a financial system built on blockchain technology that operates without traditional banks or intermediaries. Instead, it uses smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code, to facilitate financial transactions. DeFi allows for activities such as lending, borrowing, trading, and earning interest, all in a transparent, open, and secure manner. This system provides users with greater control over their assets and financial interactions, often with lower costs and increased accessibility compared to traditional financial systems.

What does Tokenization mean?

Tokenization is the process of converting rights to an asset into a digital token on a blockchain. These tokens represent ownership or other rights to a specific asset, which can be anything from real estate and art to digital content and shares in a company. By tokenizing an asset, it becomes easier to transfer, trade, or divide it into smaller parts, increasing its liquidity and accessibility. Tokenization allows for more efficient and secure transactions, as the blockchain ensures transparency and prevents fraud.

What is a DAO?

A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a group that operates on the internet where decisions are made collectively by its members rather than by a central authority. Using blockchain technology, which ensures transparency and security, members can vote on proposals and manage resources. This decentralized structure allows for more democratic participation, as all members have a say in the direction and operations of the organization.

What is an NFT?

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a special type of digital item that represents ownership of a unique asset, like a piece of art, music, or a collectible. Unlike regular digital files that can be copied easily, an NFT uses blockchain technology to prove that you own the original version of that digital asset. This makes each NFT one-of-a-kind and gives it value, similar to owning a rare collectible or a signed piece of art in the physical world.

What is web3?

Web3 is the next generation of the internet that focuses on decentralization and giving users more control. Unlike the current web (Web2), where big companies own and control most of the data and services, Web3 uses blockchain technology to distribute power and data among users. This means that users can interact, share, and trade directly without needing middlemen, making the internet more secure, transparent, and user-driven.

Building a Coworking Space Around DAOs: The Coworking Case Study Summary of EmpireDAO.

In a detailed conversation with Mike Fraietta, founder of EmpireDAO, we explored how decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are being integrated into the coworking space model using his space as an example and highlighting how EmpireDAO blends a physical coworking space with the decentralized ethos of DAOs.

Integration of DAOs in Coworking

EmpireDAO's Concept: The idea for EmpireDAO emerged from a successful one-day coworking event, leading to the creation of a permanent space where community members could work and collaborate. The goal is to build a community-owned space, eventually transitioning to full DAO governance.
Physical Space and Community Building: EmpireDAO places a strong emphasis on in-person interactions, which are crucial for building relationships and fostering innovation. The physical coworking space supports various events and activities, creating a vibrant community culture.
In Real Life (IRL) NFT Permissioned Community: Membership is managed through NFTs, functioning like traditional membership cards but with enhanced features. Members can lease their desk spaces or access different areas using these NFTs, providing flexibility and security.

Decentralized Finance and Blockchain:

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): EmpireDAO aims to integrate decentralized finance principles, allowing members to manage their finances without reliance on traditional banks. This includes pooling funds for investments and leveraging blockchain technology for transparency and efficiency.
Revenue Generation: EmpireDAO generates revenue through space rentals, events, art sales, and more. The ultimate goal is to build assets through the DAO, providing members with ownership stakes in the community and its projects.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Balancing Openness and Financial Sustainability: One of the biggest challenges has been balancing inclusivity with financial sustainability. While open access has brought diverse community members, it has also strained financial resources.
Transition to Season Two: As EmpireDAO moves into its next phase, the focus will shift to collaborating with existing crypto communities and expanding globally. Tokyo is a potential new location, with plans to replicate the success of the New York space.

Mike’s Advice for Coworking Spaces Interested in DAOs.

“Build the Community First”: In our conversation, Mike emphasized the importance of establishing a strong community before implementing DAO structures. Ensuring member engagement and commitment is crucial for a successful transition to decentralized governance.
“Experiment and Learn”: Participating in other DAOs can provide valuable insights into different governance models and best practices. Starting with small-scale experiments can help fine-tune the approach before a full rollout.

As a summary, what the journey of Mike Fraietta underscores with EmpireDAO is the transformative potential of DAOs in reshaping coworking spaces by promoting community ownership and active participation. By leveraging the innovative applications of NFTs, decentralized finance, and blockchain technology, EmpireDAO is pioneering a new paradigm for coworking operations in the digital era. For those looking to embed DAOs into their coworking environments, it is crucial to cultivate a robust community foundation and draw insights from established DAOs to navigate this emerging landscape effectively.

Building a Coworking Space Around Web3: The Coworking Case Study Summary of DeHouse.

Tiago Carvalho Araújo is the CEO of  DeHouse, a coworking space based in Porto, Portugal that is geared towards the web3 ecosystem. In our conversation with him, we explored how web3 technologies are being integrated into his space. Tiago shares insights on creating a community-oriented workspace that embraces decentralized technologies.

Integration of Web3 Technologies:

Why Web3 in the first place? Tiago highlights the growth of the web3 ecosystem in Portugal and the need for physical spaces where digital communities can come together to create synergies and empower their ecosystem. DeHouse aims to be a hub for innovation and collaboration in the web3 space.
Decentralized Workspace Concept: DeHouse focuses on decentralized offices, preferring multiple smaller locations over a single large one. This approach allows for flexibility and accessibility, making it easier for members to work from different locations without long commutes.
Tokenization and NFTs: Future plans include the tokenization of workspaces, where each seat is represented by an NFT. These NFTs can be traded or leased, providing a new way to manage coworking spaces. Members can purchase seats via NFTs, which can also act as IDs and grant access to various locations.

Community Building and Education:

Inclusive Approach: DeHouse is open to both established web3 companies and those transitioning from web2. This inclusivity fosters a diverse community where individuals and companies can learn and grow together.
Events and Networking: Regular events, such as trade shows, meetups, and educational talks, are integral to DeHouse’s community-building efforts. These events attract significant interest and participation, especially from the web3 community.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Managing Rapid Growth: One of the biggest challenges has been keeping up with the fast-paced evolution of the web3 ecosystem. Ensuring high-quality events and maintaining a strong community presence requires continuous effort and adaptability.
Future Vision: The ultimate goal for DeHouse is to grow its community sustainably and transition into a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). This would democratize decision-making and further integrate web3 principles into the workspace.

Tiago's Advice for Aspiring Web3 Coworking Spaces.

"Flexibility and Community Focus": Tiago advises that flexibility and a strong focus on community are crucial for coworking spaces, especially those centered around web3. The informal and dynamic nature of web3 companies necessitates adaptable and community-oriented management.
"Embrace Technological Integration": Incorporating web3 technologies, such as tokenization and decentralized finance, can offer unique advantages and appeal to the tech-savvy demographic of web3 enthusiasts.

Tiago Carvalho Araújo’s insights on DeHouse underscore the potential of integrating web3 technologies into coworking spaces. By fostering a strong community, emphasizing flexibility, and leveraging innovative technologies, DeHouse is setting a new standard for coworking environments.

Overall Conclusion On New Technologies and Their Potential Applications for Coworking Spaces.

The final installment in our series on new technologies in coworking spaces has brought an extensive outlook into how cutting-edge innovations can foster a stronger sense of community and higher engagement. Through our exploration of AI, the metaverse, cryptocurrencies, DAOs, and Web3, we've seen how these technologies are transforming the coworking landscape.

AI in Coworking Spaces Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers significant benefits for coworking spaces, from operational efficiency to enhanced member experiences. As highlighted by Carlos Almanza of Nexudus, AI can forecast booking demands, enable dynamic pricing, and enhance member engagement through personalized interactions. These capabilities help operators streamline processes, allowing them to focus on community building and business development.

The Metaverse for Coworking Spaces The metaverse represents a new frontier for coworking, blending physical and virtual environments to create immersive and interconnected experiences. Jaime Lopez Villalonga of WayCo emphasized the potential of the metaverse to complement physical spaces, offering virtual memberships and fostering global interaction. For coworking operators, understanding and experimenting with metaverse technologies can open up new avenues for engagement and community building.

Cryptocurrencies in Coworking Spaces Paralelni Polis in Prague provides a unique example of how cryptocurrencies can be integrated into coworking spaces. With initiatives like Bitcoin Coffee and Paper Hub, the space introduces members to cryptocurrency, making digital currencies accessible and practical for everyday use. This approach not only educates the public about crypto but also creates a vibrant, tech-savvy community.

DAOs in Coworking Spaces EmpireDAO demonstrates the transformative potential of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in creating community-owned coworking spaces. By leveraging NFTs for membership management and integrating decentralized finance principles, EmpireDAO fosters a sense of ownership and participation among its members. This model promotes inclusivity and innovation, setting a new standard for coworking operations in the digital era.

Web3 in Coworking Spaces DeHouse in Porto showcases the integration of Web3 technologies into coworking environments. With a focus on decentralized offices and tokenization, DeHouse offers flexibility and accessibility, allowing members to work from multiple locations seamlessly. This inclusive approach attracts both established Web3 companies and those transitioning from Web2, fostering a diverse and dynamic community.

Key Takeaways

  1. Build a Strong Community Foundation: Establishing a robust community is crucial before implementing advanced technologies. Member engagement and commitment are essential for a successful transition to new models like DAOs and Web3.
  2. Embrace Flexibility and Inclusivity: The dynamic nature of tech-savvy communities necessitates adaptable and community-oriented management.
  3. Focus on Education and Experimentation: Continuous learning and small-scale experiments can help operators understand and integrate new technologies effectively.
  4. Leverage Technological Integration: Incorporating AI, metaverse, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technologies can offer unique advantages and enhance the coworking experience.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the successful implementation of these technologies in coworking spaces will pave the way for a more connected, efficient, and empowered community of professionals. By drawing inspiration from all the spaces highlighted in the different coworking case studies shared here, we hope that you, as a coworking operator, can better navigate this emerging landscape and tap into potential new opportunities for your team and your community,

With the end of this series on new technologies and coworking spaces comes a new chapter. We’ll meet again next Sunday for a whole new exploration of a topic we love: coworking in smaller cities and remote areas