Digital 52 3️⃣9️⃣ - Coworking as a tool to improve life in the mountains: the story of MiaEngiadina.

Let’s embark on a journey to the picturesque Engadine region of Switzerland. What's there? A remarkable coworking brand that has flourished in recent years. Yet, its growth extends far beyond mere expansion in scale. What truly sets this brand apart is its profound and invaluable contribution to the local community, leaving a resoundingly positive impact at its very core.

Their Tags in the book
Innovation - Remote and Rural Spaces 

Read the full story of MiaEngiadina on page 297 of “Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces”.

With the release of this 39th edition of Digital 52, our attention is drawn to a fundamental principle embedded in the coworking model: the significance of positive impact. Whether you are a recent subscriber or have been with us since the beginning, you have had access to 38 remarkable accounts that showcase how coworking spaces can profoundly transform their environments, be it bustling metropolises or secluded villages. Today, you are invited to embark on a journey to the beautiful mountain region of Switzerland known as the Engadine. What awaits you there is the remarkable story of one individual. who left the region he was born in, only to later return and redefine the narrative. In doing so, he enhanced the daily lives of the local community. How did he achieve this? Let’s not divulge all the details just yet. However, coworking, as a model, played a pivotal role in the founder’s grand vision of digitizing the region to harness its full potential and attract individuals and companies alike. Keep scrolling down to discover the fascinating story behind MiaEngiadina.

➡️ A little refresher

Who’s behind the featured space?

Meet Jon Erni, an Engadine who made a career abroad and always stayed connected to his homeland. When he returned back, he had a concrete project for the future of the Engadin. In addition to his work in the management of Microsoft, he set up MiaEngiadina.

He wanted to secure the future of the region using fiber optic technology: “We wanted to open places of innovation and collaboration for all innovative and creative people interested in the development of our region.”

➡️ Key Figures

  • Opening year: 2019
  • Size when they started: 1 space in 1 small town (Scuol)
  • Size today: 4 spaces in 4 small towns

➡️ A little tour around MiaEngiadina

➡️ Behind-the-scenes

Things you didn't read in aw250cs.

Digitalizing for the better future of remote areas in Switzerland.
“Our goal is to use digitalization as a driver for future innovations in remote areas. The basis for this kind of innovation is linked to the fact that we need to bring creative and innovative people together. The Mountain Hubs are ideal places for this. “
Small in size, big in promoting the local culture.
“Scuol is a charming town nestled in the mountains and renowned for its breathtaking landscape. The true gem of our region is undeniably its awe-inspiring nature. When you spend time in our coworking spaces, you can witness the beauty that surrounds us. Moreover, once your workday concludes, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the enchanting environment and explore its wonders.

One distinct aspect of Scuol is the local language spoken by the residents—Rumantsch, which proudly holds the status of being Switzerland's fourth national language. Visitors not only appreciate the melodic sound of Rumantsch but also relish the chance to embrace our unique culture and indulge in our delightful culinary offerings.“

➡️ MiaEngiadina Today

By now, you are well aware of MiaEngiadina's humble beginnings in 2019. Now, as we fast-forward five years, let's take a closer look at their remarkable journey. Prepare yourself for an exciting revelation: growth has been at the forefront of MiaEngiadina's mission, but it hasn't been merely about expanding its number of locations. Instead, their focus has been on fostering organic and meaningful progress, consistently striving to make a positive impact on the local community with every new endeavor they undertake. In the following pages, you will uncover the inspiring story of MiaEngiadina's transformative path.

💫 Growing in size and in impact with the local community.

New Spaces.
MiaEngiadina embarked on a remarkable expansion journey, venturing into new territories and opening not one, not two, but three additional branches. What has ignited their unwavering pursuit of increasing their presence? The answer awaits as you delve deeper into our follow-up interview.
Bigger Impact.
The essence of today's narrative revolves around the powerful concept of positive impact. Time and time again, MiaEngiadina has strived to enhance its positive influence on the region and its residents. Whether it's the younger generation or the elderly, the local community as a whole, including both locals and second homeowners, reaps the rewards of being part of the vibrant MiaEngiadina community.

"We aimed to create something that resonated with the mountainous region."

Andrina Brunner - Project Manager at MiaEngiadina

💬 I’d like to start by asking you: what’s new at MiaEngiadina since September 2021?

A lot has happened. I mean, it was still the middle of the COVID pandemic at that time. Since then, there have been significant changes in the overall environment around us. We opened around December 2020, LaPunt as our second coworking location.

It is situated in the upper Engadine, while Scuol, our first coworking space, is in the lower Engadine. They're approximately an hour away from each other, and both have seen further development in terms of infrastructure. We have more seats, more monitors, and new telephone booths for people to have their calls in. We realized that with a growing number of coworkers, it can get quite loud, and some individuals may have private or sensitive information in their conversations. So, we invested in these new elements for the coworking space.

We continuously reevaluate the design and identify any missing elements.

A lot has been happening since then, not just the opening of a new location. We have been learning along the way, gathering feedback from coworkers, and it has been an exciting process. Every month sees an increase in members. We experience peak seasons in winter and summer, with lower seasons in spring, and to some extent, fall. But each year brings more growth. We are genuinely happy about this progress, especially because we didn't advertise during COVID. We were able to stay open, but we didn't actively encourage people to leave their home offices.

Our growth has been organic, with people getting to know us through word of mouth.

It's been wonderful to see members returning and bringing along their friends. Now, our coworking spaces are fully occupied, especially during winter when spots can be scarce. We have around nine well-equipped coworking spots in LaPunt and approximately the same in Scuol. Additionally, we have meeting rooms and various creative corners where people can work. It's been a positive upward trend.

We have also put a lot of effort into trying out new models and products that incorporate vacation elements. For example, coworkers can come for a whole week and participate in a program that focuses on the body, mind, and soul. We combine work with nature, sports, health, and cultural experiences to help them explore the valley. These initiatives have been successful, and we are attracting more companies and teams who come to Engadine not just to work individually, but to collaborate, engage in team-building activities, and have a great time together while enjoying the natural surroundings and opportunities.

Overall, it has been an exciting journey, and we are continuously working on new topics and addressing what is important to our community.

💬 Your space is located in the Engadin, which is a mountain region in Switzerland. How did you educate people about what coworking was when you began?

It was a challenge to introduce the concept to the locals who mainly work in the primary and secondary sectors, ranging from agriculture to carpentry and various other construction-related professions.

For them, coworking was not something they even considered. So it has been a steep learning curve for us. How do we effectively communicate our vision? How do we engage the locals and encourage them to support us, even utilizing our infrastructure, such as our meeting rooms for their company meetings? We are fortunate to have our founder, a local named Jon Erni, who is well-connected in the valley. He is actively involved in discussing and sharing his vision.

People began to learn about our initiative through newspaper articles, videos, and local television coverage. We realized that we needed to promote our work through dialogue, allowing people to visit and witness what we are doing firsthand. Some people were initially unfamiliar with the concept of coworking, but they associated it with the valley.

We aimed to create something that resonated with the mountainous region.

So we referred to our spaces as “Mountain Clubs” within the essence of coworking.

Since our location is in the mountains, we couldn't simply call it a typical hub. We also emphasized the use of nature as a significant element, attracting individuals who wish to work in a natural environment. We wanted to integrate the concept of coworking with the unique characteristics of the region we are situated in. Initially, it was embraced more by second homeowners in the valley, who often visit during weekends. They now have the opportunity to extend their stay, arriving on Thursday and departing on Monday, or combining their holidays with their children's school breaks. Coworking was already familiar to them, particularly those from cities like Zurich, where many second homeowners originate.

Instead of solely focusing on the physical aspects, such as mountain health, we began by fostering a sense of community. By becoming a community member, individuals were able to closely engage and receive regular updates through newsletters and General Assembly meetings. We gradually built up the community. Even if someone is a member but doesn't actively use our coworking spaces or offerings, they still hold membership because they support our cause. We involved people from the very beginning, and I believe this approach was effective.

💬 You now run a few very different hubs in the region, one being a caravan. What pushed you guys to open more spaces?

We recognized the need for this type of initiative in the valley. While it is undoubtedly a popular tourist destination, our aim is not only to attract vacationers and tourists but also those who wish to work while exploring the area. We realized that there is potential for a working tourist market, especially among individuals who have close ties to the valley.

With the evolution of new flexible work models, which have become more prevalent in recent years, and particularly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing demand for multilocal and hybrid work arrangements. We wanted to support and facilitate this development.

Our journey began with the school project, where everything originated in 2015 or 2016. Through this process, we discovered that people prefer to work in close proximity rather than travel long distances. At that time, there was a significant project called “InnHub” being discussed and planned in the Upper Engadine region. This sparked the idea of creating a pilot or a smaller version of the InnHub concept, which led to the development of the InnHub Pop-up or the Mountain Hub in the Upper Engadine.

While this detail may not be the most crucial, it was apparent that people were eager to learn more and utilize the available infrastructure. Hence, we started with this concept. Additionally, the Caravan concept was introduced by one of our employees named Anina. During the pandemic, she had some spare time and traveled to the Netherlands. She acquired a caravan, redesigned it as a mobile workspace, and later sold it to our community. This outdoor workspace serves as an eye-catching feature and offers teams a unique and creative workshop experience. It provides all the necessary infrastructure while allowing participants to immerse themselves in nature, fostering creativity and a different work atmosphere.

We have the caravan situated by a lake in the Upper Engadine region during the warmer seasons. In other times or locations, such as Zurich, it is moved around accordingly. During the winter, it is stored in a garage.

It's great because its mobility allows us to raise awareness about the project in various places, expanding your reach and impact.

Exactly. Now we have our code displayed on the trailer, serving as a mobile marketing tool. Additionally, our other hubs function as satellite locations. Our two main hubs are currently equally managed by a team of two or more individuals. Alongside these, we have satellite hubs that operate intermittently based on partnerships. Partners approach us, expressing their interest in offering a room for coworking. They may operate it independently or with our support. These satellite hubs pop up and disappear periodically. We embrace this concept as it allows people to collaborate with us, and we gladly welcome their involvement.

For the upcoming summer, there is an individual who plans to lead a local alpine hub. Hikers can trek to this destination, spend the night, and then continue their ascent to higher mountains. This person wants to incorporate a small corner specifically designated for coworking. It will provide individuals in need of a workspace with reliable Wi-Fi, screens, and other necessary amenities. She approached us to explore the possibility of utilizing our platform for this initiative.

We wholeheartedly encourage such endeavors because it is fascinating to witness how others interpret and bring our idea into the world.

💬 MiaEngiadina is centered around 3 pillars: Internet / Community / Coworking. Why?

The story goes back quite a way, involving our founder's previous work experience at Microsoft and other IT companies. Being from the Valley himself, he eventually reached a point where he felt that he had had enough of the corporate world. He longed to return to his beloved Engadine Valley, where he could contribute his acquired knowledge and give something back to the community.

Thus, he embarked on brainstorming sessions to determine how he could contribute to the development of the Engadine Valley. He discovered an opportunity to establish a fiber network in collaboration with his contacts, as no major telecommunications company was interested in developing high-speed internet infrastructure in this remote area. The villages were considered too small and insignificant.

This realization led him to understand that without fast and reliable internet, the Valley would fall behind in terms of development. Consequently, he made internet connectivity his primary focus, considering it the foundation for progress.

As he progressed with the internet initiative, he partnered with the local railway company to expand the fiber network's reach. The endeavor proved successful, attracting the attention of larger companies like SwissCom, who now view the Valley as an interesting market. That means we have competitors entering the area as well.

Internet connectivity became the initial starting point, driven by our founder's vision for the Valley to keep pace with the times and foster innovation. However, he understood that simply having reliable internet was not enough. He recognized the need for proper working infrastructure for those who preferred not to work from home or lacked suitable workspaces in their vacation homes. This led to the inception of the coworking project in Scuol, an endeavor initiated by Jon and further developed in collaboration with other locals.

Along the journey, our founder realized the importance of building a passionate community that would support the project even if individuals did not regularly use coworking spaces or subscribe to our internet service. The objective was to foster a vibrant community where ideas could be shared, supporting the overall development of the Valley. Hence, a community was established, which has since grown significantly, now boasting over 1,700 members. We engage with our community through physical events, workshops, and an active presence on Facebook. Many individuals support our cause by becoming community members, demonstrating their love for the Valley and their desire to see it progress.

💬 You also have a strong educational stance. Can you talk to us about it?

That was a remarkable project that had a humble beginning. It's called “miaScoula”. The aim was to foster a sense of connection and ownership among individuals, making them feel connected to their Engadine roots. It all started when a school approached Jon a few years ago, recognizing his background at Microsoft and his ties to the Valley. They expressed their need for assistance in terms of digital infrastructure, tools, and collaboration platforms like Teams.

Jon being a highly sociable and engaged individual, found this project beautiful and worth exploring. He believed that if they were to embark on this endeavor, they should reach out to other schools as well to gauge their interest in participating. As a result, the project began to grow, and now almost every school in the Engadine, including small towns, has something in place. Schools have come together, both from the upper and lower valleys, as well as side valleys, equipped with the same email address format, incorporating the name “Mia” to ensure connectivity. This unified approach allows them to share information and collaborate on Teams, creating an optimal environment for modern classrooms. Remarkably, this initiative was established even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, making the Engadine region one of the most prepared regions when the crisis hit.

This initiative is considered crucial as it focuses on early education and preparing young people for the challenges of today's world. By introducing them to MiaEngiadina early on, the hope is that they will have a strong connection and potentially return to Engadine as coworkers or supporters, bringing forth new ideas for projects. The “miaScoula” initiative has facilitated the development of numerous educational projects, including the significance of STEM subjects, especially for girls. It is essential to involve students in these important topics, even in remote areas.

Additionally, this summer, a new program called the “Child University” will be conducted for the second time. It offers children the opportunity to participate in various classes, such as space exploration, glaciers, and other fascinating subjects. Meanwhile, parents have the option to work at the coworking space or engage in other activities. This program combines the children's summer holidays with an enriching educational experience, providing a balanced mix of learning and outdoor exploration.

Overall, the aim is to develop inclusive programs that cater to everyone's needs and interests, ensuring a holistic and enjoyable experience for all participants.

💬 You guys are also working on the opening of a new space called InnHub, could you talk to us about it? How different will it be from MiaEngiadina?

The InnHub project is a significant undertaking that we often refer to as a “light-up” project here in the Valley. It's a bold and innovative venture, as it involves the construction of a massive building spanning approximately 7,000 square meters. This size emphasizes its grandeur and impact. Although both MiaEngiadina sites were initiated earlier, Jon, our founder, played a pivotal role in its inception and became one of the initiators and investors of InnHub. His experience with MiaEngiadina laid the foundation for InnHub, which shares a similar direction but on a larger and more global scale.

While MiaEngiadina primarily focuses on the Engadine region and Switzerland, with limited recognition outside those areas, the vision for InnHub extends worldwide. It aims to become a state-of-the-art, world-class facility while staying rooted in local culture and traditions, encapsulating the essence of the region. The building will feature significant use of wood, providing a welcoming atmosphere for both locals and visitors. Not only will it cater to regular guests and retreats in the Engadine, but it also aims to attract teams from renowned companies like Microsoft, Google, and other global tech giants. These teams will visit the InnHub for collaborative product development, testing, company redesign, or team-building activities. The unique selling point lies in the experience itself, as the location allows visitors to step away from their usual routines and immerse themselves in a distinct environment.

The concept of “third place” is crucial in InnHub's design philosophy. It serves as a creative and inspirational space separate from the traditional home and workplace. The first place is where you reside, the second is your conventional work environment, and the third place becomes a sanctuary for fresh inspiration. Opening the InnHub is an extensive project, and the target is to launch by the end of 2026. The esteemed architect Norman Foster, known worldwide, for his previous work in Lapland and his personal connection to the Valley, leads the architectural design. His involvement has already attracted considerable attention from architecture enthusiasts, as this project stands as one of his final works.

Additionally, the project boasts significant investments from prominent stakeholders. Since August last year, a CEO has taken charge, overseeing the multitude of aspects involved. Apart from workspace and workshop infrastructure, the InnHub will feature sports facilities, such as an indoor running track, a concept store offering local products, and a rooftop bistro cafe. The diversity of amenities ensures there is something for everyone's interests.

With such a comprehensive scope, the construction process is expected to take considerable time, but preparations are underway, and the team hopes to commence building activities this fall.

➡️ Reflections on building MiaEngiadina

💬 If you could do one thing differently in the journey of MiaEngiadina what would it be?

That's a challenging question, and I must admit that I don't have a definitive answer at the moment. Throughout our journey, we've encountered numerous learning experiences and worked with incredible individuals. I believe it's crucial for us to maintain an open and flexible approach to meet the evolving needs of our environment and the people we serve. There are certainly areas where we can make improvements, such as introducing a barista and serving quality coffee, as our current coffee machine leaves much to be desired. Additionally, addressing acoustic concerns and creating more private spaces are among the needs we have identified and strive to cater to.

Soliciting and embracing feedback from our community is essential for our growth.

Overall, I believe we are in a favorable position, and by learning from past mistakes, we can continue to progress on our journey.

💬 What has been your biggest learning out of bringing to life AND growing MiaEngiadina?

I strongly believe that maintaining an open mindset allows for the creation of magical moments. Being receptive to everyone, even those unexpected visitors, can lead to spontaneous projects with remarkable outcomes.

It's a beautiful thing to serve as a meeting place for people who might not have crossed paths otherwise.

Enabling such connections is something I truly enjoy, despite the additional responsibilities that come with it. Being close to people is a strength I discovered in myself, and it's an aspect I aim to develop further as I move forward and consider my next steps. It's the part of my work that brings me the most satisfaction. The gratitude and happiness expressed by individuals who visit is truly heartwarming.

Even though I may often feel stressed and yearn for moments of peace and solitude, I am reminded of what it's all about. The serendipitous moments and curated encounters that occur unexpectedly are truly beautiful. I genuinely relish this type of work and never want to overlook its significance. Sometimes, amidst the chaos, I miss the chance to engage with people and learn from them—those conversations that broaden my perspective on various topics. It's an enriching experience to be part of such a development. Moreover, working for a small company like MiaEngiadina exposes me to diverse areas such as accounting, finance, and HR. It's fascinating to be intimately involved in the company's evolving journey.

💬 What would be your best advice to someone thinking about opening a coworking space?

I truly believe that the key lies in how you curate and create the experience.

It's about ensuring that every person who passes by feels a warm and inviting atmosphere as if there's a welcoming sign blinking just for them. We have an elderly woman who visits occasionally, simply to read the newspaper because she enjoys being here. It's truly about how you shape the space and the experiences within it.

We've come to realize that our unique selling proposition (USP), particularly in mountainous or remote areas, is the presence of a physical host who is almost always available on-site.

We don't rely a remote organization or impersonal access codes. Having a friendly face, a curated program and a sense of inclusivity make everyone feel welcome and ensure their needs are addressed. This strategy has worked well for us, even though we acknowledge that it may differ in urban settings. We understand the challenges of consistently finding hosts for the space, but for us, it has remained an important factor in our success.

You're actually your social space beyond just a place to work. You are the cafe of the village that doesn't exist anymore because life in villages has changed.

Indeed, we've organized events such as after-work beers and speed dating, and it's fascinating to see people from the valley who have never come before suddenly showing up because they perceive it as a great opportunity to meet new people and have a good time.

It really emphasizes the importance of understanding your location and considering what you want to offer to the community. Curating the right experiences has been a valuable lesson for me. We've tried certain initiatives that didn't work out, while others exceeded our expectations. It's essential to know your audience and be responsive to their preferences.

💬 If you could chat with coworking spaces now, what would you like to ask them?

A question from Andrina

💬 And if you could chat with members of coworking spaces?

What was the most beautiful experience you've had in a coworking space?

💬 Last but not least, where would you want to bring MiaEngiadina next?

Well, there are different perspectives on this matter. First and foremost, I believe it's crucial to revamp our branding and website, which currently appear outdated and make it difficult for visitors to find the information they need. A more modern, fresh, and professional approach would not only attract a younger audience but also make them feel engaged and interested in what we offer. Although we had the intention to address this in the past, we lacked the necessary resources, time, and urgency. However, I strongly believe that there is much to gain from adopting a more youthful and dynamic image.

Furthermore, MiaEngiadina’s aspiration is to maintain a strong connection to the InnHub. We have a grand vision of becoming the bridge between the InnHub and the local community, as it will undoubtedly be a massive endeavor. Rather than being an isolated entity, we want the locals to feel connected and embraced by the InnHub. Through our existing ties within the local community and the regular visitors we welcome, we can serve as the connecting element for it. It's important to showcase that even with its significant size and exclusivity, the InnHub remains intimate and down-to-earth, just as our current coworking spaces are. Personally, I envision this as a vital aspect of our mission.

Additionally, there are new areas we wish to explore, such as coliving. Finding affordable accommodation or lodging in this area is particularly challenging. We aim to provide a solution for young individuals seeking a place to write their thesis or work on their books, as well as for anyone with a limited budget. We are exploring the concept of coliving, where people can have everything they need in a single space—a creative environment that combines coworking and coliving.

We're keen to find a physical location that can cater not only to laptop-based work but also to activities like painting, music, and other creative pursuits, accommodating diverse needs and interests.

We are hosting our last online event before the summer break, next week Thursday June 29th.