Digital 52 1️⃣7️⃣ - Working with Corporate Companies, Educating society on makerspace and coworking, The importance of a great team: the story of The DECK.

What’s the link between coworking and education? Let’s make our way to Osaka, Japan to find out how The DECK is providing a multi-purpose space for makers, employees of larger companies, and curious minds to learn, experiment, and work together.

Their Tags in the book
Business Models - Innovation - Facilitating Collaboration

Read the story of The DECK on page 274 of “Around The World in 250 Coworking Spaces”.

Starting a coworking space from scratch is a difficult and personal journey. Each experience is unique, but there is much to learn from those who have done it. We asked 250 coworking spaces featured in our book "why" they started, and interestingly, no two answers were alike. What does this highlight? That thanks to its very flexible model (remember what we say: coworking is the same dish everyone cooks differently), coworking often comes as a great solution to many. Where are we getting with this? Well, in Osaka, a second-tier city in Japan, coworking has played a role in fostering collaboration and connection among the diverse businesses that contribute to the city and the Kansai region's unique character. Brands like The DECK, the coworking space you are about to explore, was a pioneer in promoting a more collaborative work environment. Continue reading to learn more.

➡️ A little refresher

Who’s behind the featured space?

Tomokazu Morisawa, the Founder and CEO of The DECK, explains his motivation for creating the space: "While working at a consulting firm called Filament that leads the open-innovation scene in the Kansai region, I saw the need for a place where corporations could connect with freelancers, startups, and other companies to collaborate with an open innovation mindset. So in late 2015, I founded The DECK.

➡️ Key Figures

  • Opening year: 2016
  • Size when they started: 600 sqm (6,000 sqft)
  • Size today: same

➡️ A little tour around The DECK

➡️ Behind-the-scenes

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